Construction Remodels

Are You Dealing With a Construction Remodel?

High-End Bathroom Rentals Ease the Inconvenience

You are finally ready to embark upon the remodeling project you’ve been dreaming about for so long. You have secured financing, chosen the general contractor and decided upon all of the details. Your cramped, outdated master bath will be transformed into a spacious, soothing spa with an uncluttered layout, updated plumbing fixtures and stylish tiling.

However, the remodel will put a bathroom in your home out of commission for the duration, which will mean heavy usage – and maybe wait times – for the remaining bathrooms. Before nerves get frayed, call Luxury Loo Rental for bathroom rentals. The two-unit trailer we’ll deliver to your home in no way resembles the portable toilets found at construction sites. It is sleek and streamlined on the outside, well-appointed and sanitized on the inside. In fact, its woodgrain floors, porcelain toilets and vanities may give you some new ideas about your remodeling project!

Here’s what else Luxury Loo Rental offers:

  • Two spacious stalls, each with a separate entrance
  • Sinks with running water
  • A full supply of toilet paper, soap & paper towels
  • Air conditioning & heat
  • A stereo system
  • Mirrors
  • Low-level outdoor lighting
  • Dual handrails at each entrance

Why Choose a Luxury Loo Rental

Our two-unit trailer is available for short- or long-term rentals, so if yours is a major makeover, you’ll have convenient amenities to use, no matter how long it takes. As noted, the trailer’s design will ensure that it is an attractive temporary addition to your property rather than an eyesore. And finally, Luxury Loo Rental is a fully insured, family-owned and -operated company that is proud to serve Asheville, NC, and surrounding communities.

Contact Luxury Loo Rental Today

A construction remodel can be a stressful time. Keep the peace in your family with clean and convenient bathroom rentals. Call us at (828) 658-5667 or fill out the online form.